Money as Anfal; the theoretical basis for endogenous financing of production

Document Type : Original Article


Despite extensive studies on the nature of money and access to light on the essence of money, there are still ambiguities in this regard. Theorizing about the nature of money, ownership of money, and monetary governance from a religious perspective can solve many of the new issues of financing, interest rates, and prescribing a new mechanism for allocating and equipping economic activities and guaranteeing the goals of the Islamic economic system. In the context of a resilient economy and support for national production. Therefore, knowing the nature of money and formulating the theory of money as Anfal can guarantee the realization of the goals of the Islamic economic system and achieve effective monetary policies in addition to the basic implications for monetary governance and its relationship with legitimate political governance. According to Anfal, the use of monetary and credit resources as a priority will be in the hands of those involved in effective production activities and those who seek to disrupt the national economy in speculative activities should be fined. It is important to note that the liquidity accumulated in the monetary and financial sectors of the economy will gradually be eliminated at the negative interest rate of the deposit, but it is necessary to eliminate the motives of speculation and speculation in other financial markets and direct liquidity to production


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